Shiny Grey Star

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Gift Express!

'Ello Jammers! Today the Daily Jamaaliday gift is:
What a creative item, AJ! I'm super pleased with the stream of the new, cool (pardon the pun, haha) Jamaaliday items that we've been getting for the holidays. The elf shoes, the pet sled, and the gift express are adorable!

I mean, look at how nice this train looks in my den:
So nice looking! (I think it would be awesome if we could have some snow/den flooring that comes with winter or so.) :3

And the new item is in the Diamond Shop...not that interesting:
(Sorry for the rush of this post, I have to wrap it up!) My next shout-out goes to:
Wolfinery is a really nice and kind jammer! She is so helpful to other jammers, and she's a wonderful artist. She helps other jammers on youtube by drawing icons for them, which I think is pretty admirable and must take an awful long time. Her artwork is amazing, and her blog is awesome! You should definitely visit her amazing blog here. ^.^

See you around!

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