Shiny Grey Star

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Snowboarding Helmet

Hallo Jammers! I am SO terribly sorry for this extremely late post. To make it up to y'all, I'll be making it extra long with some extra stuff that I noticed, so it'll at least be more interesting than the stream of posts I've been making recently.

Anyways, the new item for today is:
Hmm, a Snowboarding Helmet. Not that interesting at all, and I doubt anyone will really use it.

Today I noticed a (pretty sad thing, actually):
Do you see that Arctic Wolf at the side, saying "I WILL NEVER SEE MY REAL PARENTS AGAIN!" and the others saying "Lol?" They were laughing at the wolf because of that. Guys...doing these things to someone you don't know, someone who might be hurting beyond the computer's pretty low. And today, for some reason, there were several people who were being rude to me (and to others.)

If you do these things to people...PLEASE don't. It's really mean. DX

Also, make way for a pretty cool, beta person!
This person, viperfang, is non-member, but yet is wearing member items! It's because they were around in the beta days, bought the gazelles, and it sort of...stuck on them. Isn't that cool? I've met a couple of people like that, as well. :3

I think that's about it, better post than yesterday? :)


  1. .

    1. Hmm, a dot. Dots can mean lots of things. Hmm...I wonder what that dot may mean... XD

  2. That's pretty cool, how the member tems stuck... Does the same thing happen with member den items after you loose your membership?

    1. I don't think so, since you have to be present in beta days in order to have items 'stick' onto an animal like that. :)

  3. The world may never know O.O

  4. That was for the dot comment.

  5. I feel so sorry for the Arctic Wolf... I saw something like that in Sarepia Forest. An Arctic Wolf was saying that his mom just died, and I just thought he was roleplaying and didn't really mean it. Then I realized that he did mean it. :(


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