Shiny Grey Star

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Big Thanks to NUMNUM13!

Please, PLEASE, if you are reading this, visit numnum13's amazing blog: Sol Lucet in Jamaa. She is an absolutely amazing jammer, and thanks to her CSS tips, I managed to figure out how to replace the 'newer' and 'older' links with images! (I'll add the 'Home' button soon.) Thank you so very very much, numnum13!

Isn't it amazing that she coded the whole thing all by herself? AMAZING OR WHAT? I have no idea how people can do such amazing things, but it's just SO AMAZING! (And there were way too many 'amazings' in this paragraph.) XD

Anyway, a big shout-out to numnum13, she's a great buddy and an absolutely wonderful person. :)



  1. Whia! Thank you so much!!! The older and newer images look FABULOUS!!!!

    1. Hehe, thank you SO much! Your arrows look fabulous too. c:


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