Shiny Grey Star

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Best. Party. EVER!

Hi guys! Unfortunately many of my buddies couldn't make it to the party, (Lemo, Naffy, Wolfpaws came later, and Myth), which is disappointing. HOWEVER, I plan to host a 'make-up' party to exclusively my buddies at my den. If you aren't my buddy, (like Myth and Pink), then I think I can make room for you on my list. I'll try! :3

Anyways, here are some pictures of the AMAZING party! At first no one really came, but then A TON of people were there, and it was loads of fun! I'm glad that I planned out the activities, because a lot of people said that I did a great job. c:

First I did a fashion show:
(We did about 4 rounds).
Then we played a game called 'Escape the Cake!' (Where I basically just put the cakes in random spots and everyone had to run away. The eagles were cheaters though, they just flew away. Tsk, tsk.) ;)
Then we did a game called 'Copy the Leader,' where basically everyone had to copy my look, and the person who could copy my look the fastest won. (I gave out a lot of prizes for this, along with the fashion show.) :3
But then things started getting hectic because GRIMM5 appeared at my den and everyone said that Apology was the one hacking everyone. (Which is really odd and scary. I have no idea what's going on with that, just the fact that everyone's getting hacked. At least 5 buddies of mine have been hacked this month. Too much. WAY too much. In fact, it shouldn't be happening at all.) o.O

I'm veering off course.

Anyways, we also played a game of 'Guess what song I'm singing.' It lasted for an hour, and then there were a couple of people that stayed at the party for the whole hour. :3
It was very sweet and fun! Thank you all for coming, and if you weren't able to, there may be a make-up party! <3

See you guys around,


  1. Replies
    1. Aww, thank you! And thank you so much for coming to the party, it was really awesome to have you there! c:

    2. You're welcome, and thank you! :3

  2. Please do a make up party.... Our computer died! But it sounded like a lot of fun.

  3. It sounded like so much fun! :D I'm sorry I couldn't come. >.<
    ~wingofthesun who is eating a box of Trefoils~

    1. @Duchess: Aww, that stinks!
      @Wingsunny: It's fine wingsunny, (I don't know why I came up with that name), I heard about the computer issues. Hope things get resolved! :)

  4. I forgot about the party, sorry. You had an awesome time though. I had a party, for my blog, but nobody came :P I'll see if I can come to the make-up party.

    1. Aww, I'm sorry I didn't come to your party, either. I had to do some singing thing. Darn it. Well, the next time you have a party I'll definitely (at least, try) to be there. :)

      I hope you can come to the make-up party once the date gets scheduled. ^.^

  5. Aww! It looked so fun. :) Oh well, there's always next time!!

  6. Stupid dinner =3=
    Well at least I had delicious seafood (don't ask, I'm addicted to seafood) and a delicious alcohol-free tiramisu C:


    1. @Naffy: Yep! c:
      @Myth: I love seafood! And sushi. Squid is delicious. x3

  7. Ermagawsh, I was Enchanted Arctic Claws, de purple version of you :3 Wanna hang out some time? :D I love meeting new people.

    1. Haha, sure! Whenever you see me around in Jamaa, feel free to talk to me. c;

  8. I was Baron DesertPaw, the wolf with the Green Headdress. I had to go shortly afterwards because of a soccer game, but I was the first or second one there I believe ^w^

    1. Oh, and in the one where you were saying "Dress like a pancake," I was the wolf with the Phantom Hat on! ^w^

  9. No, I missed it! :'(

    1. That's okay, I'll probably be hosting a make-up party. (Though it'll definitely be smaller.) c:


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