Shiny Grey Star

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Suspicious Hacks

Hello my little comets! I'm sorry for not posting in a while (though it technically has been a week, right?) I post weekly-ish, I guess. I know, I know, I should post more often, but it's nearly impossible during the weekdays. My apologies. Anywhoozies, before I get to the main topic of this post, I need your opinion on a very (not) important matter!

Which looks better in my Sol Arcade Den?
Your opinion is greatly appreciated! c:

Next bit of information:
AJHQ did a lot of cool glitch fixes in this update, but one of the weirdest is the fact that now, long usernames are shrunken down! Weird. It's going to take me a while to get used to that. Boy, now I'm really glad that my username was changed, or else my old username would've definitely been shrunk. (Yep, I'm OCD like that.)

There's also the handy-dandy doorbell function!
Too bad that I didn't get to hear the sound. 

Also, whenever you lock or unlock your den, a nice message appears:
Hmm, muy interesante! Yes, Spanish is fun. :3

Now, to get to the heart of the post. (I also posted a similar topic like this on the Rise Against the Hackers, if you'd like to check it out.) Lately, there have been lots of jammers with unreleased items:
You know, people with unreleased items like white gazelles, green gazelles, orange gazelles, white pigtails, orange pigtails, black mechs, etc. Well, I found out that somehow they're hacking it from AJHQ themselves! Apparently people are saying that these jammers are telling Animal Jam they 'lost' these items by getting hacked/scammed, and AJHQ just sends those items to them!

Not believable, but this video changed my mind a bit:

Well, truly these items were probably hacked from AJHQ. I really doubt that AJHQ is that dim-witted to fall for such lies. It angers me to see people go to such lengths to get some items, though! I mean, 'To the Jammers Getting the Weird Items: You do realize that you're messing with a bunch of people who know how to code and invented this whole game, right? You're also probably messing with the law by messing with this website. Hacking a website is're probably going to get your I.P. address banned by AJHQ. And this is all for what? Some unreleased items that look less cool because everyone has them?"

Fishy. Suspicious. It also angers me, too. I feel bad for AJHQ because this situation is just bad and...blergh.

Okay, off of that little (not) rant. Next up is a to-do list that I have in order to get organized.
1.) Make more KM banners.
2.) Make a Color Charity banner.
3.) Work on NebulaNight's Art Trade drawing.
4.) Work on blog (possibly?) more.

I'm off! See you around!
Also, look at this awesome ad that I saw a while ago!


  1. For your den, I personally like the 2nd one better. :3 But I can't believe AJHQ got hacked- again!

    1. I hope AJHQ didn't get hacked, but there's no way that they could be fooled so easily! The weird thing is, if AJHQ is getting hacked, how is everyone catching on at the 'hacking' business so quickly? I mean, some of these people probably aren't even advanced hackers, and it takes advanced hackers to hack into a website. Scary. O.O

    2. Maybe if it's just AJHQ being nice and we're all wrong. XD Imagine that. O3O

  2. I thought AJHQ couldn't return stolen items.

    1. It happened once to someone, but AJHQ cautioned them not to get scammed again, which is also why this is fishy since the jam-a-gram that that jammer got just said: "Thanks for being a great jammer!"

      In this video if you scroll through you can see he got his black collar back from AJHQ:


  3. 1. I like the first one better.
    2. (Heart of post) O.O

  4. Agreed ^^
    Btw are you creating my Color Charity Banner? if you aren't it's ok, i can make one myself :) no pressure idc

  5. I can't wait to see my OC in your art style!!



  6. Sadly, those are the people we dont want in jamaa :(
    I do hope AJHQ bans them forever.

  7. I just experimented; I said that my alt got scammed (I used my alt as if it were my account) out of a heart locket (something unrare). Then they said they couldn't replace it.
    They can "replace" unreleased items but they can't "replace" a plain old heart locket?! :I

    BTW I like the first den thing more, it's more dreamy-like :33


    1. Whoa. o.o -Throws a (ROTTING) donut at AJHQ- WHERE ARE YOUR WITS?!

    2. AJHQ:
      "Oh, don't you worry jammer. Our mods are working 24/7, and if you get scammed, the scammer will be caught right away.
      Don't worry, we will keep the player Wits in moderation. Thank you for contacting us!


      Need more DIAMONDZZZ?! Then go spend your freakin' money 'cause we're so damn poor."



    3. @pink200330: Eh, it may be rotting, but it's still good. ;)
      @Mythy: Haha! XD

  8. wow! I love the first one! Is it just a regular starry backround? I gotta try that :)
    WOW! I can't believe people are doing that. One time, though, I got a lava glove with that message and didn't even contact AJHQ (don't worry I never ask them for items) They just thought I was a good jammer, I guess! (it was a while ago when I WASN'T accidentally saying stuff where AJ's like oooh that's bad when I said, like, nothing.)

    1. Whoa! That's really nice of AJHQ to send you a lava glove without you asking them for it/told them it got scammed. You're lucky then. ^.^

    2. it was a longgg time ago :), but ya it was nice of them.
      Lucky? not sure about that, hee hee.

  9. Honestly, I love both backgrounds for your den! :D I think it depends on what type of theme your den is: a night in the stars realistically (or) a sweet candyland wonderland garden. Well, that's what den themes 1 and 2 look like to me lol. Now I understand why some of my buddy's usernames are smaller font now. Can't believe I didn't realize that -face paw- AJ now tells us what locking a den means. ^-^ And those JAGS that the very high-demanded rares are in look kinda like Monthly Member Gifts or those JAGS that AJHQ sends when you receive a plaque from AJHQ. Suspicious indeed. Also, isn't Starroxy also a kinda famous/popular Jammer.? And, the Colors Charities banner on the next post, is amazing! :)

    1. Yes, I think Starroxy is pretty well known. Thank you so much! <3

  10. 1. I like the first one for your den =^.^=
    2. I keep seeing random jammers with unreleased items... its bugging yet freaking me out at the same time. I agree about AJHQ being not dim-witted, and I think the jammers with the unreleased items are begging AJHQ to send them stuff, either that or they've decided to go and copy fman122, and actually HACK Aj, but thats impossible now, since fman had to choose the EXACT right time to hack into aj, when it says "Sorry, Aj is offline. Check back later. Sorry for any inconvenience!" or something like that anyway, and they couldn't pick up how to hack straight away, like you said. This is really bugging me, and even Kosho (Bepper) is doing this now, unless she got her unreleased items a other way. Here's a link to one of her videos- noticed her lion wearing orange (not Halloween ones) gazelles, her raccoon wearing a peach mech and her arctic 'Countess Snowyclaw', wearing white gazelles? Weird, yet suspicious. Its freaking me out.. o-o'..

  11. Ooohhhh and I watched the vid about that person getting gazelles, mechs, beards, ect from AJHQ. Just another hacker showing off. Those fake reactions though!! XDDDDD They didn't even sound surprised. They were more like *Puts fake act on* "OOOOOMAIIIIGAWD *Bleakly* I got gazelles!!! Wow..."

  12. Oh, and i forgot to add, before anyone accuses me of being jealous, I am NOT jealous of some kid getting 'rare pixels' like, seriously. >.< If that was me I would be ashamed of hacking Aj, and betas and rares take up most of the game, and most people play it to COLLECT the betas/rares, so yeah, that would be one less of a game to play. It wouldn't be fun if you had all the rares/betas. My mum says that, you really want something when you don't have it, and then when you get it, you get bored with it and you don't show any interest in it anymore. o3o thats kinda what i'm like, but, eh. Ima play the sims now, keep safe on aj guys :D



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